Friday, August 10, 2012

Kundalini Yoga Horoscope: August 6-12, 2012

There is a feisty start to the week, like a fast jump out of the gate. You will hit the ground running with a pace that may feel a bit maddening if you are trying to keep things slow and subdued. Your best bet is to go with flow, which means going at a rapid pace – picking up your heels and moving forward with confidence and bravery, even if you are hanging on to some doubts with regard to where you are going exactly. Forward motion is better than no motion at all so proceed with confidence and don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

The big news on Tuesday is Venus’s entrance into the emotional water sign of Cancer. Over the next six weeks or so, you can expect affairs in the love and romance department to be more emotional and sentimental than usual. Follow your intuition when it comes to love, and don’t be afraid to side-step toward the goal that you are reaching for. This is the way of the crab – indirect, subtle, quiet, but effective. Following your feelings. They will not lead you astray. Your heart knows where to go. It is generally your mind that fowls up the works.

Speaking of the mind, you can rejoice in knowing that Mercury, the planet of the mind, turns direct on Wednesday morning, suggesting that communication gets back on track and electronics will be operating more smoothly than they have been. Travel will resume to normalcy and you are now safe to make purchases of mechanical objects and sign contracts or major business deals.

Wednesday is also the day that the Moon shifts into grounded Taurus, putting the emphasis on home, security, and practical matters.

On Thursday, the desire for sensual romance and bodily pleasures is strong. Taurus enjoys the fine things in life – good food, pleasant sights and smells, and comfortable surroundings. Enjoy time at an art museum, a musical performance, or in the company of a loved one on a soft bed with clean sheets and chocolate bon bons.

Thursday is a good day for Venus Kriyas with your romantic partner. Light incense, set the stage with candles and low lighting, and take your time to experience the full effects of the exercises by allowing yourself plenty of deep relaxation time afterward. Follow up with a long chant of your favorite spiritual music and/or mantra.

Yoga and Mantras for a Whole Heart by Ramdesh Kaur and Karan Khalsa

On Friday, a veil of uncertainty and indecision plagues the morning hours, making it hard for you to be effective in the workplace, or any other place you may find yourself. It isn’t until the late afternoon (4pm EST/1pm PST) that your head gets back on track and you find your internal compass again.

This is the time that the Moon finds itself in the mental air sign of Gemini – moving and shaking through the air element, and thus jogging your mind of all the things you need to do and people you need to contact.

There is a strong social element to the day on Saturday, encouraging you to discuss plans and important issues with others, and connect with those who share the same ideas and philosophies as you do. Take advantage of this time to expand your social circle and get involved with a community group – be it a dance class, a yoga studio, or a political activist movement or campaign.

On Saturday night, a lingering influence from Jupiter helps to expand your mind and your idea of what is possible. Don’t be afraid to think big!

On Sunday, a helpful trine between Mars and the Moon helps to put your emotional drive into action. There is a desire to take your anger out on a long bike ride or your ecstatic enthusiasm out on the dance floor.

Channel emotions into creative outlets and don’t be afraid to get physical! A rigorous yoga set followed by a calming meditation helps spur creative juices and turn them into artistic works of mastery.

In the late afternoon, a lunar trine with Saturn adds a hint of discipline to the mix, helping you straighten up and get serious about a plan that you can put it into action during the weeks ahead.

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Posted in Horoscopes | Tagged kundalini yoga horoscope, venus kriyas

Japa Kaur is a musician/singer/songwriter currently living in the San Francisico Bay area of Northern California. She is also a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Astrologer, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practicioner. Born and raised in southern Maine, she came to California to attend Stanford University where she studied Communication, Studio Art, & Music, and where she eventually found Kundalini Yoga. Japa has traveled extensively, performed for the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and looks forward to touring with her most recent CD, The Aquarian Sadhana.

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